Kategorie: Podręczniki
Opis: The GODSLAYER - Rise of Legends rules box contains the core rulebook with the complete expanded rules of GODSLAYER as well as the world background book. Preview of the Rulebook The core rulebook contains: Detailed rules expanding the Quick-Start rules, accompanied by dozens of helpful examples and diagrams. Detailed descriptions of each model of every faction including their special rules and statistics A chapter containing numerous fun scenarios and multiplayer rules A section on painting and modelling GODSLAYER miniatures and terrain and advice on how to get the most from your hobby The background book includes: Introduction to the world of GODSLAYER and its geography The illustrated mythology of the GODSLAYER world -The history of the last few centuries A section detailing the six factions and their sub-factions who each represent an empire or culture of the GODSLAYER world. A map of the world of GODSLAYER, and detailed maps of the central continent of Ghorn Preview of the Background Book |
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